Sunday 1 January 2012

Happy New Year, blah blah blah

So its now 2012, whoo… excuse my enthusiasm…

New Years for me is when I go to sleep on the 31st December and wake up on the 1st January. Its never been a big thing in my house, apart from the year 2000, when me, my sister, my auntie and the dog stayed up until midnight. I was 8 at the time and it was the last new years eve I ever spent with the dog.

So on the 1st January, as I type with my laptop on the bed, me kneeling on the floor and the soundtrack from the anime Nana blasting, I type my New Years Resolutions. A promise to myself.

1. Lose weight - I finally stepped onto the scales and I didn't like the figure that flashed back at me. I want to be able to go into the limited collections where I work and not look longly at the garments on the hangers and think, 'That won't fit me, I better go to Evans.' Its time I took matters into my own hands, so I will start attending Slimming World with my auntie to give me a flame under my ass to do something about it. I also need to get fitter, so I will be buying Just Dance 3 for the wii (3 because of all the Katy Perry songs) and I'll try Zumba for the wii. Maybe I'll push the boat out and join a gym. Who knows?

2. Budget my money better - I'm sick of having no money a week after payday. I realistically don't pay for a lot of stuff, so I need to get better at saving and not squandering away my paycheck. I also need to have a firmer hand on the people I loan money too. They loan money off me because I feel guilty about asking for it back and I think I lose track of how much people owe me and I lose out on pennies because of me. So I need to stop it for my own sake!

3. Socialise more - This is gonna be a harder one because I spend my Saturday nights with my youth club teenagers, who I love to bits! I usually miss out on opportunities because people tend to do things on a Saturday night. So I will take some Saturdays off to spend with others. Also on my days off, I'll make an effort to see others instead of wasting it in my bed. I couldn't tell you the last time I saw my best friends from school and thats shameful. It's unfortunate that life gets in the way, but this year I'll battle against life so I can see my friends more.

4. Kickstart my budding passion - If any of you people know me, then you will know I have recently taken a flair for makeup. I tried, and failed, at a blog and youtube account for these and I'm vowing to restart these again. I'm currently cleaning up my room to prepare for redecorating, creating a 'getting ready' area and in here, I'm intending to make my recording area. When I buy products, I'll photograph my first impressions and record these for my opinions to get out in the world. I don't care if just my friends follow me, this will be a platform for my hope to be a makeup artist. In my saving plan, I intend to do a makeup course to qualify me to become an artist in my own right.

And most importantly,

5. Don't be afraid - 2011 was not a good year to me. I went through a lot of things I never thought I'd have to do. I lost a good friend and I admit, I didn't handle things with a lot of maturity like I should have. I had to carry on life with my dad living in another country for 13 weeks. When I went to visit my dad, coming home was the hardest journey I ever made. I don't think I ever got out a car and walked away, because if you watched it drive away, you'd have a mental breakdown outside the airport. I walked through security and made a beeline for the bathrooms so that I could go to pieces. I finished a HND without a real sense of direction yet.
I need to get my head into a positive light so that I can live my life the way I want to. I want to be happy, I want self esteem and I want all these things so I can get the most out of life!

So heres my vows. I intend on sticking to them! So heres to 2012, and some goals I will see though the year:

  • First holiday without any form of parents! 
  • 21st birthday
  • First wedding
  • First wedding planning
  • Redecorating a 'grown up' bedroom (lol not really)
So heres to 2012!

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